Sukkot Appeal
Sukkot Mazon Bags
During the harvest festival of Sukkot, we have an obligation to feed the hungry.
Leviticus 23:22 describes the harvest commandment of peah, according to which we must leave the four corners of our field to be gleaned by the poor and the stranger.
In the system of peah, leaving the corners of one’s field unharvested provides for the hungry in a way that addresses their needs while simultaneously preserving their dignity: the hungry can take produce as needed without the embarrassment or shame that could accompany receiving charity.
For those of us living in cities, where most people are not farmers, we can use the tradition of peah as guidance for the way we address local food insecurity.
You can support this appeal by filling a Mazon Bag at a participating synagogue, putting food in a street pantry or purchasing a Virtual Mazon Bag to enable us to fight food insecurity in Australia.
Please purchase your Virtual Mazon Bag below.